Glexis Novoa


November 11, 2011 - January 7, 2012

Glexis Novoa, Drones, 2011, exhibition view
Glexis Novoa, Drones, 2011, exhibition view
Glexis Novoa, Drones, 2011, exhibition view
Lenin / The Miami Times, 2011, metallic pigment, gesso and collage on paper, 72 x 108 inches
Horse / The Miami Times, 2011, metallic pigment, gesso and collage on paper, 35 x 53 inches
Private Drone, 2011, silver wire, metallic pigment, gesso and collage on paper, 84 x 216 inches
Map, 2011, silver wire, metallic pigment, gesso and collage on paper, 35 x 53 inches
Piles, 2011, silver wire, metallic pigment, gesso and collage on canvas, 18 x 24 inches
Minefield, 2011, graphite on marble, 18 x 20 inches
Tatlin, Vladimir Yevgrafovich, 2011, graphite on marble, 12 x 12 inches
Billboard, 2011, graphite on marble, 12 x 12 inches
Drone I, 2011, graphite on marble, 6 x 24 inches
Drone II, 2011, graphite on marble, 6 x 24 inches